Athletic Code of Conduct Policy:
*No player or coach shall refuse to abide by an official’s decision.
*No player or coach shall be guilty of objectionable demonstrations of dissent of an official’s decision by throwing or abusing equipment of any kind, by word of mouth or by gesture.
*No player and no coach, other than the head coach, shall discuss with any official in any manner the decision reached by an official.
*No player or coach shall be guilty of using, at any time, any type of physical force toward any official in any way.
*No player or coach shall be guilty of personal, verbal abuse upon any official for any real or imaginary wrong decision or judgment.
*No player or coach shall be guilty of physical attack upon any player, official or spectator.
*Team support by spectators is welcome. Spectators will be expected to present themselves in a proper manner. Unruly conduct will not be tolerated. Spectators may be suspended from game sites at the discretion of the recreation department.
*The site supervisor(s), umpires and recreation department personnel are classified as officials.
*No alcoholic or controlled substance in any form will be allowed at the athletic facility. No player or coach will be allowed to be under the influence of any alcoholic or controlled substance, to any degree, participating in department activities unless prescribed by a physician.
*Vulgar gestures or profanity by any person (coach, player or spectator) will not be tolerated.
*Any violator of any of the above will be subject to but not limited to; game suspension, season suspension or banned from Siler City Parks and Recreation activities.
Athletic Programs Refund Policy:
All refunds must be requested in writing per the Refund Request Form, and are given based on the following:
- A full refund can be given if requested two (2) weeks prior to the first practice.
- A full refund can be given if a participant has a medical issue (doctors note required) and has not participated in any games.
- A 50% refund can be given if requested two weeks prior to the first game. No refunds granted after this moment.