2025 Spring Chicken Festival

Proudly sponsored by Mountaire Farms, we are hosting the 7th annual NC Spring Chicken Festival on May 3rd, 2025 from 10:00am - 4:00pm in Downtown Siler City, NC.  The festival features live music, a variety of vendors and lots of fun attractions for festival patrons and guests to enjoy. Stay connected with the festival by viewing up-to-date news and opportunities on the Spring Chicken Festival Facebook Page (@springchickenfestival) and the Siler City Parks and Recreation Department on FB and Instagram. (@silercityparksrec)
 #springchickenfestival, #silercitync, #silercityparksandrec
Vendor registration will open on Dec. 30 and close on April 11. Online registration can be found at https://secure.rec1.com/NC/siler-city-nc/catalog. Paper registration can be found at Town Hall at 311 N. Second Ave. Siler City.

Pricing Information

o $50 for nonprofits (10ft x 10ft Spot)

o $80 for other businesses (10ft x 10ft Spot)

o $200 for mobile food trucks.

o $0 for Downtown businesses that are in the zone of the chicken festival. (10ft x 10ft Spot / Storefront) *Call dept. to confirm before registration.


Stay connected with the festival by viewing up-to-date news and opportunities on the NC Spring Chicken Festival Facebook Page and the Siler City Parks and Recreation Department on Instagram and Facebook.


For more information, please contact the Siler City Parks & Recreation Department at (919) 742-2699 or recreation@silercity.gov, Community Development Planner Sara Martin at smartin@silercity.gov, or Communications Specialist Ryan Brown at rbrown@silercity.gov.
